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Selectmen Meeting Minutes 01-11-08 Special Meeting
The Board of Selectmen held a special meeting on Friday, January 11, 2008 in the lower meeting room at Edmond Town Hall, Main Street, Newtown, CT.   First Selectman Borst called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.

PRESENT:        First Selectman Joseph Borst, Selectman Paul Mangiafico, Selectman Herbert Rosenthal

ALSO PRESENT:  Town Attorney David Grogins, Public Works Director Fred Hurley, Town Engineer Ron Bolmer, Asst. Public Works Director David Bratz, Land Use Agency Director George Benson, Fairfield Hills Authority Chairman Robert Geckle, O&G Representatives Jeff Cugno and David Cravanzola, HMA representative Dick Harrall, one member of press

Discussion of Fairfield Hills Leases and Lease Terms
First Selectman Borst turned over the chair to Town Attorney David Grogins who asked to call this meeting.
        Attorney Grogins stated that several issues have come up in terms of procedure and how things will be handled.  He felt it would be helpful if all parties involved get together for a discussion.  
        First of all, the process of how existing buildings and new buildings will be administered.  Land Use Director George Benson became concerned when the Parks & Recreation building came up as to how it will be processed.  Mr. Grogins stated that everything at Fairfield Hills is under the Master Plan that is part of the P&Z Regulations.  Requirements for any building, new or reconstructed must be built in accordance with the Fairfield Hills Adaptive Re-Use Regulations within the Zoning Regulations.  Mr. Benson pointed out that the main thing is timing.  Private developers come to the Land Use Agency before they even buy land.  We have staff in Land Use that can help out from the beginning which makes the process smoother.  “We need to see these things in the conceptual phase”.  We want to be involved early, Land Use, as well as Public Works and Engineering.  He read about the Parks & Recreation building in the newspaper.
Mr. Cugno advised that he had asked the engineers to work with the architectural firm to come up with concepts for the Parks & Recreation building.  Nothing is ready yet to bring to a meeting.
Attorney Grogins stated that with the Youth Academy, we have to provide parking and utilities as part of the lease.  How do we deal with the parking?  Mr. Benson stated that in order to give a certificate of occupancy to the Youth Academy, we need to make sure parking is available – the same with the Recreation Center and Town Hall.  He feels that Greenwhich Hall should come down in order to put in required parking.  Attorney Grogins stated that we need plans in place for temporary parking and know who is going to do it.  He asked how long for the design phase for the Parks & Recreation building?  Mr. Cugno replied that we O&G has evaluated the uses for the building by Parks & Recreation and by the Senior Center so that now they can come up with needed square footage.  The town has to enable someone to do the schematic design.  It would require something less than a year to get to the bid phase.  Mr. Cravanzola added that for construction, we are then looking at probably 12-14 months depending on what is involved, i.e. a pool.  Attorney Grogins asked if we should provide temporary parking or take down Greenwich and complete the permanent parking?  The decision has to be made within the next few months.  Mr. Cugno feels that as far as all pieces being coordinated we are okay to date.
Mr. Harrall feels that that construction of the Parks & Recreation building would start the summer of 2009.  We have that time period to deal with the Greenwich Hall issue.  Until then, we can provide parking for the Youth Academy and Town Hall.  He suggests a flow chart be prepared.
Mr. Rosenthal stated that he was surprised to see the appropriation for the Parks & Recreation building on the last Board of Selectmen agenda.  That is why he suggested funding for demolition of Litchfield Hall at the same time the funds are being approved for the building which cannot be constructed until Litchfield is demolished.
Mr. Benson asked that O&G show the Land Use Agency the conceptual plans to date for the Parks & Recreation building.
Regarding the Youth Academy, Attorney Grogins stated that we are obligated to provide utilities prior to their planned November opening date.  Mr. Hurley reported that the extension of the gas line will cost $280,000 +/-, if the town provides the trenching.  The gas company provides the welder and pipe.  We would then bury and restore the trenches.  This preliminary cost of $280,000 is really a security deposit.  This should be authorized to go forward immediately since the Academy will need the utilities set by October.  We would plan to do all utilities work simultaneously –gas, electric, telephone, cable.  He estimates at least $1 million for the utilities loop, with a heavy commitment of town crews.
Mr. Geckle advised that there should be between $1 million and $1.3 million left over from the original bonding; plus we should have upfront money from the leases for Newtown Hall and Stratford Hall, approximately $1.1 million.  The duplexes are unsure at this time.  This does not include the reimbursement funds from the state for school office space or any other grants.
After some discussion, all three Board of Selectmen members agreed that Fairfield Hills should be provided with the utilities loop under the original scope of the project.
Mr. Harrall will work in conjunction with O&G to put together a time line/flow chart.  Mr. Geckle advised that we need someone to head up handling a presentation to help with the application for EDA Grant Funds, which is extremely competitive.  It was decided that Planning Director Elizabeth Stocker should head this up, along with Mr. Richard Eigen and Mr. Arthur Bogen who are our grant consultants.  Mr. Geckle added that Ms. Amy Dent of the Fairfield Hills Authority should also be involved.  Mr. Cugno, who was once very involved with the federal grant process, stated that it is also important that the CEO be involved and show that there is town support.
Attorney Grogins advised that there are issues under negotiation with the Hawley Realty lease that should be discussed in executive session.
Selectman  Mangiafico moved to enter executive session to discuss the Hawley Realty lease and to invite Attorney Grogins, Mr. Hurley, Mr. Bolmer, Mr. Bratz, Mr. Harrell, Mr. Geckle, Mr. Benson, Mr. Cravanzola and Mr. Cugno to attend.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
Meeting entered executive session at 4:30 pm and returned to open session at 5:10 pm at which time the meeting was adjourned.

                                                Jan Andras, Clerk